Thornton Rust Parish Meeting
The annual parish meeting is in the institute at 7pm on March 13th. See below for the link to last year's draft minutes. Pip Pointon wishes to stand down as clerk to the Parish Meeting - so is there anyone willing to take this on as it takes just a few hours each year.
Dates for your diary
The following events at the Institute have been arranged:
Coffee morning, Saturday February 22nd 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
Easter coffee morning, Monday April 21st (Easter Monday)
Skittles night, Saturday April 26th
Summer quiz, Saturday May 17th
BBQ, Saturday June 28th
Flower arranging workshop, Saturday August 16th
Mission Room - An Evensong service will be held in the Mission Room on Sunday February 23rd at 3 pm. All welcome.
Jackie Cook
Institute Annual General Meeting March 11th at 7 pm
You may have seen notices about the AGM on the village noticeboard and inside the Institute. The AGM is an opportunity to hear about the Institute’s achievements of the past year. The annual accounts and trustees' annual report will be presented.
Anyone can come along to ask questions about what the management committee does and how the Institute is being run. It would be helpful if you could send questions in advance to me by email at
Sue Duffield
Coffee morning in June - There will be a coffee morning in the institute on Saturday June 7th to raise funds for the Kennel Field Trust.
Badminton - New members are welcome at the Badminton Club which meets in the Institute every Wednesday evening. You don't have to be an expert player to join. For more details contact Martyn Donno on 01969 662649.
Pickle Ball is a form of indoor tennis and seems to be growing in popularity. It is played with a wooden bat known as a paddle and a plastic ball with holes. There is a good regular group of pickle ball players who meet at the institute on Monday evenings from 7.30pm, and new joiners are very welcome. For more information contact Susan Freer at:
Post Office - The Post Office at Aysgarth Garage is open from 9am to 12noon on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays
John, the fishmonger who comes to Hawes Market, is in Thornton Rust each Friday selling fish outside the Institute from about 12.45 pm. His details are:
Mobile 07711989590 Email:
Click here for the February 2025 newsletter.
Thornton Rust Bulletin
The Thornton Rust Bulletin is produced independently and does not reflect the views of Aysgarth & District Parish Council
July 2024 - includes up-to-date map of Thornton Rust
Documents available to download
Draft Minutes of Kennel Field Trust AGM December 2024
Draft Minutes of Thornton Rust Parish Meeting 2024
Draft Minutes of Institute Management AGM 2024
Draft Minutes of Kennel Field Trust AGM December 2023
Draft Minutes of Thornton Rust Parish Meeting 2023
Minutes of Institute Management AGM 2023
Minutes of Thornton Rust Parish Meeting 2022
Minutes of Institute Management AGM 2021
Draft Minutes of Thornton Rust Parish Meeting 2020
Draft Minutes of Institute Management AGM 2020